- commuter time (通勤时间)
- I’ll leave this to you (拜托您了)
- I appriciate your hard work(辛苦了)
- I’ll show you out(我送你出去)
- You are the boss(听你的)
- adjust to(数学 – 相连)
- for the lack of a better word
- out back (在外面)
- went missing
- come to our service
- 6 years back (6年前)
- call a timeout (暂停)
- pick my brain (让我干活,脑力劳动,了解我)
- the brain (聪明人)
- all of sudden (突然)
- I’d appreciate a little hustle up on that (麻烦快一点)
- at approximately 6 a.m. (大约在6点)
- we are not yet in a position to do (我们还没到可以做什么事的时候)
- he will know swift Louisiana justice (将会受到路易斯安那州法律的制裁)
- I didn’t mean to (不是故意的)
- Be right back. (马上回来)
- You’ll keep eating. (你们继续吃)
- I will leave you be. (不打扰了)
- It is worthwhile (值得)
- A and B went bad in ’02 (开始不和)
- hold grudges (记仇 耿耿于怀)
- He is an ace case (他是办案高手)
- There is a war happening behind it (此事绝不简单)
- The sound of The Big Machine (大人物的声音)
- a lost dog (迷途的羔羊)
- I might stay up (我考虑一下)
- If you cannot complete it at one sitting (一次性)
- workaround (解决方案)
- uppity (傲慢)