
本剧的案件虽然表面上看是寻常的绑架杀人,却很难找到其犯罪动机,这是因为其犯罪逻辑有着不同寻常的宗教背景。要分析这隐藏于案件背后的宗教背景,就不能不提到一本书:詹姆斯·弗雷泽(James Frazer)的《金枝》。这是一部比较宗教学著作,对世界各地宗教的异同进行了比较分析。其书名来自于J. M. W. 特纳(J. M. W. Turner)的一幅同名画作。此画描绘了一个神圣的树林,这里有一棵树在日夜生长着。这片不断变化的土地,坐落于自然女神内米(Nemi)(亦被称为林中的狄安娜(Diana Nemorensis))梦境一般的丛林湖畔,在这里举办着祭祀与国王“履行誓言”(fulfillment of vows)的宗教仪式。



本剧的第一个案件即是对这个宗教仪式的再现,多拉·兰格则是这个神秘仪式中的大地女神,凶手则是剧中反复出现的黄袍国王(The Yellow King)。拉斯特与马蒂追寻凶手的过程存在双重意义,第一层是法律以及世俗意义上的将凶犯捉拿归案绳之以法,第二层则是宗教意义上的,发现这个仪式,完成这个仪式以及终结这个仪式。这两层意义与剧集发展的两条线索:案件搜查以及两位侦探的生活一一对应。前者为表,后者为里。





I think human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-Aware.Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

We are things that labor under the illusion Of having a self,This accretion of sensory experience and feeling,Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody.When, in fact, everybody’s nobody.

I think the honorable thing for species to do is deny our programming,Stop reproducing,Walk hand in hand into extinction,One last midnight, brothers and sisters Opting out of a raw deal.


If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward,then, brother, that person is a piece of shit,and I’d like to get as many of them out in the open as possible.
What’s it say about life, hmm, you got to gettogether, tellyourself stories that violate every law of the universe,just to get through the goddamnday?No.

Been that way since one monkey looked at the sunand told the othermonkey,”He said for you to give me your fuckingshare.” People sogoddamn frail,they’d rather put a coin in a wishing wellthan buy dinner.


Transference of fear and self-loathing to anauthoritarian vessel.It’s catharsis. He absorbs their dread with his narrative.Because of this,he’s effective in proportion to the amount of certainty he canproject.


Certain linguistic anthropologists think thatreligion is a languagevirus that rewrites pathways in the brain, dulls criticalthinking.


See, we all got what I call a life trap, thisgene-deep certainty thatthings will be different, that you’ll move to anothercity,and meet the peoplethat’ll be thefriends for the rest of your life, that you’ll fall in love andbe fulfilled.Fucking fulfillment, and closure, whatever the fuck those two–Fucking emptyjars to hold this shitstorm, and nothing is ever fulfilled untilthe veryend,and closure–No. No, no.Nothing is ever over.


The ontological fallacy of expecting a light atthe end of thetunnel, well, that’s what the preacher sells, same as a shrink.See, thepreacher, he encourages your capacity for illusion. Then he tells youit’s afucking virtue. Always a buck to be had doing that, and it’s such adesperatesense of entitlement, isn’t it? “Surely, this is all forme.Me.Me, me, me.I, I.I’m so fucking important.I’m so fucking important,then,right?”







